Saturday 21 May 2011

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4

Sayaka depressed
At the start of episode 4 Sayaka visited Kyousuke again and she complained that even though her hands are just fine unlike Kyousuke's hand but it can't do any thing to help Kyousuke.
Madoka depressed
Madoka had a very lifeless expression when she was eating her breakfast because she was still thinking about Mami's death.
Madoka talking
Madoka said that she feels like she's in a foreign country because even though Mami just died, nobody knows that she is already dead. That only a few knows including them and everyone is still acting the same.
Madoka giving up being a Mahou Shoujo
Madoka became very dpressed so she quit being a Mahou Shoujo candidate to live a peaceful life along with Sayaka.
Kyubey saying goodbye
Kyubey can't do anything so he just said goodbye.
Madoka visiting Mami's apartment
At afternoon Madoka visited Mami's room and then wept for her.
Madoka talking to Homura
On her way home Madoka encountered Homura. They talked about some things, Homura said that Madoka shouldn't become a Mahou Shoujo if she doesn't intend to die like Mami. Then Madoka asked her a question, of how many people did she see die specifically Mahou Shoujo's. Homura just  answered "too many to count".
Sayaka visiting Kyousuke
 At the same time Sayaka visited Kyousuke but Kyousuke just got mad because he said she is just making him listen to the instrument he can't play anymore.
Sayaka decided to become a Mahou Shoujo
Kyousuke said that it'll take a miracle for his hand move again. Sayaka decided to become a Mahou Shoujo to prove that miracles exist. She immediately made a contract with Kyubey.
Hitomi having a witches kiss
After she parted with Homura, Madoka saw Hitomi but she also saw a witches kiss on the neck of Hitomi. So she just followed her to prevent her suicide.
Madoka preventing suicide
The people with Hitomi are planning to do a mass suicide by mixing two dangerous chemicals together. Madoka threw the chemicals outside the window so they can't commit suicide anymore but in exchange the went after Madoka who foiled with their plans.
Madoka trapped on a witches lair
Madoka hid herself in a room but unfortunately that room is where the witch is. The minions of the witch tortured her for a bit.
Sayaka in her Mahou Shoujo costume
Sayaka saved Madoka from being killed by the minions of the witch, she also defeated the witch by herself. Madoka asked her why did she became a Mahou Shoujo, she just replied " I had a change of heart".
Sakura Kyouko
After a while a new Mahou Shoujo appeared before the town. She plans to take over the town.

{End of Episode 4}

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