Thursday 5 May 2011

Dragon Crisis!

Kisaragi Ryuuji
Dragon Crisis started after Kisaragi Ryuuji woke up from a dream about a girl. He lives alone at his apartment  so its a bit lonely.
Eto Misaki
Ryuuji has a classmate named Eto Misaki. Misaki has a crush on Ryuuji but Ryuuji doesn't feel it. Misaki is always shy around Ryuuji so their conversations are rather short.

Nanao Eriko
They were having normal classes when Nanao Eriko appeared and took Ryuuji. Eriko is Ryuuji's second cousin. She already asked the principal for approvement so Ryuuji had no choice
Eriko beated up the mafia to obtain the brief case containing a lost precious
Eriko asked Ryuuji's assistance to fulfill what she wanted. So they went and beat up the "FANG" group. They were pursued by FANG when they took the brief case.
The case suddenly opened 
The lock of the brief case suddenly opened when it got hit by a bullet.
A girl was in the brief case
Ryuuji found out that the contains of the brief case was a girl wearing a necklace. She was staring at Ryuuji for a while then she called his name.
The girl using flames
Apparently the girl can use fire. She took out every single person that was pursuing them in one shot. It caused an awfully large damage. Eriko was delighted to find that the lost precious they got was higher than an S class lost precious. The girl passed out after she used her power so they hurried back home.
The girl bitting Eriko
After the girl woke up Eriko tried to touch her but she was bitten on her hand. 
The girl hugging Ryuuji
The girl was not violent against Ryuuji so he is the only one who the girl obeys. They discovered that the girl can only say one word "R-Y-U-U-J-I" that's the only word she can say. For some reason she likes Ryuuji very very much and she won't let go no matter what happens.
Ryuuji's house was trashed
Ryuuji went to shop for the ingredients for their dinner but when he returned home he saw his place very dirty.
Apparently it's all the girl's fault she started trashing the place the moment Ryuuji left. Eriko discovered that the girl is a dragon because she has dragon scales on her hand. 
Ryuuji giving the girl a name
Ryuuji decided to give the girl the name "Rose" because the pattern of the dragon scales on her hand looks like a rose. No one disagreed about the name so they started calling her "Rose". She learned how to say her name quickly. After that she also learned a few words like "Eriko" and "Ice" just from watching television.
A helicopter came
The next morning after they had breakfast, a helicopter came for an unknown  reason. 

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