Monday 30 May 2011

Dragon Crisis! episode 3

Onyx, using mist(sleeping spell)
Onyx used mist on Rose to make her fall asleep to avoid any problems while going to their hideout.
Eriko, Convincing Ryuuji to help her save Rose
Eriko said that they are going to save Rose but Ryuuji seems lifeless. It's like he didn't want to save Rose.
Onyx's motive was to get all the lost precious in the world
Meanwhile when Rose woke up, she talked to Onyx. She asked him for the reason why does he want to marry her. Onyx said that he needed more power to obtain all the lost precious in the world. And by engaging with Rose he can gain an overwhelming power.
Kid Ryuuji, saved by Rose
Ryuuji remembered his past when he tried protecting a big egg. He ended up falling when it hatched. Rose was inside the egg so she saved him and they managed to land safely.
Slash Breath
Upon remembering his past, Ryuuji decided to help them save Rose. Eriko said that hhe need a lost precious to be able to save Rose so they came and get the Slash Breath. She also said that Ryuuji's parents made the society lock the security so Ryuuji is the only one who can open it. Ryuuji was nervous because of the accident he had when he was a kid concerning lost precious. By the way, Slash Breath is made from the teeth of a dragon.
Ryuuji used Slash Breath
When Ryuuji used slash breath he cut down the pillars of the building. After that they made preparations for infiltrating the temporary hideout of Fang.
Rose attacking Onyx
When Rose was wandering around the hideout she saw Onyx and attacked him but he didn't even receive a scratch. Onyx made Rose give up on Ryuuji so he doesn't need to kill him. Rose agreed.
Ryuuuji destroyed the Black Dragon's barrier
 When Ryuuji and others went to the temporary hideout of Fang, they encountered a magnetic field that is making electronic devices malfunction. Ryuuji managed to destroy the barrier using his Slash Breath so they entered it safely.
Ryuuji, running
When they successfully infiltrated, Fang immediately attacked them. They managed to escape through the elevator hatch.
Onyx and Rose almost getting married
When they arrived at Rose's location, they found Onyx with her. Ryuuji managed to make Rose come back to him so Onyx got mad.
Onyx attacked by Eriko
Rose managed to escape Onyx by the help of Eriko.
Ryuuji, blocking Onyx's attack
Onyx got mad and attacked Ryuuji, he is ready to kill them all. Ryuuji managed to block Onyx's attack using Slash breath.
Onyx's dragon form
Onyx showed them his real form. He was almost invincible, even Ryuuji's Slash Breath isn't working.
Ryuuji and Rose engaging
Rose and Ryuuji used engage to raise Slash Breath's power.
Onyx being defeated
Ryuuji managed to defeat Onyx by borrowing Rose's power.
Dragon's scale
But he got hit by a Dragon's scale and almost died. It's a good thing that Rose was beside him and aiding him so he won't die.
Rose hugging Ryuuji
In the end Ryuuji said that Rose can live with them. Rose was very happy.

{End of Episode 3}

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