Tuesday 24 May 2011

Daemon Spade's Power

Daemon currently possessing Mukuro's body 
Daemon finally obtained Mukuro's body he now posses strong power that even the joint forces of Vongola and Shimon family may not defeat him.
Daemon inside Mukuro's body
Here's what Daemon looks like after he possessed Mukuro's body. 
Daemon just arrived
After arriving to the island of the Shimon family, Daemon showed himself in front of the Vongola and Shimon family. Daemon said that there is a huge possibility that even if they all attacked together they may not defeat Daemon.
Vongola family and Enma preparing to attack
Tsuna was about to attack Daemon then Chrome stopped him. She said that even though the enemy is Daemon spade, the body he is using is Mukuro's body. Mukuro said to everyone that they have to stop Daemon even if his body will be destroyed so they just have to do it.
Daemon used his power
They were about to attack but they didn't see Damon coming. Daemon trapped Julie, Gokudera and Takeshi inside his cards of illusionary space.
Daemon with the six Shimon rings
Hiubari decided to attack Daemon but he was blocked by his power. It seems that he obtained the six Shimon rings while he was at Vindice's prison. He can control all the powers of the Shimon guardians except for Enma. Will they even really stand a chance?
Daemon mimicking Hibari's Tonfa
Hibari just disregarded Shimon ring's abilities and launched an attack at Daemon. But again Daemon prepared a surprise for Hibari, another Cloud Vongola Gear. Daemon's power is still full of mysteries, will they be able to defeat him?

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