Monday 30 May 2011

Dragon Crisis! episode 3

Onyx, using mist(sleeping spell)
Onyx used mist on Rose to make her fall asleep to avoid any problems while going to their hideout.
Eriko, Convincing Ryuuji to help her save Rose
Eriko said that they are going to save Rose but Ryuuji seems lifeless. It's like he didn't want to save Rose.
Onyx's motive was to get all the lost precious in the world
Meanwhile when Rose woke up, she talked to Onyx. She asked him for the reason why does he want to marry her. Onyx said that he needed more power to obtain all the lost precious in the world. And by engaging with Rose he can gain an overwhelming power.
Kid Ryuuji, saved by Rose
Ryuuji remembered his past when he tried protecting a big egg. He ended up falling when it hatched. Rose was inside the egg so she saved him and they managed to land safely.
Slash Breath
Upon remembering his past, Ryuuji decided to help them save Rose. Eriko said that hhe need a lost precious to be able to save Rose so they came and get the Slash Breath. She also said that Ryuuji's parents made the society lock the security so Ryuuji is the only one who can open it. Ryuuji was nervous because of the accident he had when he was a kid concerning lost precious. By the way, Slash Breath is made from the teeth of a dragon.
Ryuuji used Slash Breath
When Ryuuji used slash breath he cut down the pillars of the building. After that they made preparations for infiltrating the temporary hideout of Fang.
Rose attacking Onyx
When Rose was wandering around the hideout she saw Onyx and attacked him but he didn't even receive a scratch. Onyx made Rose give up on Ryuuji so he doesn't need to kill him. Rose agreed.
Ryuuuji destroyed the Black Dragon's barrier
 When Ryuuji and others went to the temporary hideout of Fang, they encountered a magnetic field that is making electronic devices malfunction. Ryuuji managed to destroy the barrier using his Slash Breath so they entered it safely.
Ryuuji, running
When they successfully infiltrated, Fang immediately attacked them. They managed to escape through the elevator hatch.
Onyx and Rose almost getting married
When they arrived at Rose's location, they found Onyx with her. Ryuuji managed to make Rose come back to him so Onyx got mad.
Onyx attacked by Eriko
Rose managed to escape Onyx by the help of Eriko.
Ryuuji, blocking Onyx's attack
Onyx got mad and attacked Ryuuji, he is ready to kill them all. Ryuuji managed to block Onyx's attack using Slash breath.
Onyx's dragon form
Onyx showed them his real form. He was almost invincible, even Ryuuji's Slash Breath isn't working.
Ryuuji and Rose engaging
Rose and Ryuuji used engage to raise Slash Breath's power.
Onyx being defeated
Ryuuji managed to defeat Onyx by borrowing Rose's power.
Dragon's scale
But he got hit by a Dragon's scale and almost died. It's a good thing that Rose was beside him and aiding him so he won't die.
Rose hugging Ryuuji
In the end Ryuuji said that Rose can live with them. Rose was very happy.

{End of Episode 3}

Sunday 29 May 2011

Seitokai Yakuindomo, Lines Part 7

Hagimura thinking about Tsuda
Hagumura was worrying if Tsuda did his work or not.
Tsuda being enthusiastic
Tsuda decided to do his student council work or rather finish it.
Tsuda Kotomi's room
Tsuda was really enthusiastic on doing his work but his sister barged in and saying that her room is a mess. Kotomi asked Tsuda to fix up her room because when she tried to fix her room it just did the opposite effect. She just dirtied her room.
Nice and clean
Tsuda nicely cleaned Kotomi's room and is now tired because of his efforts. His sister's room look awsome.
Tsuda too tired to do his work
As Tsuda returns to his room, he felt so tired that he went straight to his bed and forgot about his work at the student council.
Bird, blocking the castle
Meanwhile, Shino and Aria were taking pictures on the castle but it seems that wherever they go the bird always pops out of nowhere to block the view.
Bird blocking Shino
They tried and tried but when they finally found a chance to take a picture the bird just popped out. Shino was so pissed that she chased the bird. In the end their picture turned out like that.
Shino got on the wrong bus
Even though she was pissed, Shino was dazzled by the beauty of the castle that she ended up riding the wrong school bus.
Shino is happily running
While exploring Shino found the Honnouji. She happily ran until she reached the site.
Honnouji being repaired
When she reached Honnouji she found out that it was being repaired so no one could enter.
Shino, pissed
Shino was so disappointed that she almost hit the carpenter in charge of Honnouji's repair.
Hagimura, scolding Tsuda
Hagimura is scolding Tsuda because he didn't do his work.
Hagimura, pissed
Tsuda really didn't even started doing his work after all.
Foreigner calling Hagimura a little girl
The two of them decided to do Tsuda's share of work in Suzu's house. She just went to the convenience store to buy something but when she walked out she found Tusuda talking to a foreigner. He is asking for the way to reach the station so Suzu pointed out the direction since she can speak in english. The foreigner thanked her and called her a liitle girl.
Suzu is mad
 Suzu ended up loosing her cool and verbally assaulted the foreigner.

{End of part 7}

Saturday 28 May 2011

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Chapter 338

Daemon Spade
Chapter 388 starts with the fight of Daemon and Hibari.
Daemon using cloud attribute
Continuing from last time, Daemon is currently fighting Hibari using a fake Cloud Vongola Gear. It seems that their powers are equally matched.
Clash of the real and fake cloud VG's
They continued their fight intensely it's a real surprise that even though it was just the first time Daemon used a Vongola Gear, he knew how to use them.
Hibari piercing Daemon
Hibari succeeded on harming Daemon and everyone was hyped up about it.
Daemon using Ryohei's technique
They thought that Hibari just defeated Daemon but he was just charging his fake Sun Vongola Gear. They discovered that Daemon can copy the Vongola gears because of his mist attribute. The Vongola Gear he copied is as strong as the original so he really is formidable. He sealed Hibari in his illutionary dimension like what he did to the other three guardians.
Tsuna stepped in
After Daemon sealed Hibari, Tsuna stepped in the battle field to fight Daemon. Daemon was using crazy techniques like using both a fake Lightning Vongola Gear and a fake Storm Vongola gear at the same time.
Tsuna and Enma fighting together
Enma offered his help to Tsuna to defeat Daemon. The 10th generation Sky guardian of Vongola family and the 10th genaration Gravity guardian Shimon family are now working together to defeat the 1st Mist guardian of the Vongola family.

{End of chapter 338}

Friday 27 May 2011

Seitokai Yakuindomo, Lines Part 6

Aria and Shino arrived at their destination
Continuing from before, Aria and Shino has now arrived at their destination. They have a field trip so they left the student council matters at Tsuda and Hagimura.
Shino thinking of old ero scenes
Upon arriving Shino immediately thought of ero stuff.
Shino talking to Aria
The two of them continued their talk and no one is stopping them.
Shino and Aria talking about stripping games
As their chat continued they are now talking about scenes on a stripping game. According to Shino it is very boring so Aria said to strip off your undergarments first so there will be a thrill. 
Newspaper club president talking
Just like the newspaper club president said, the two of them won't stop talking about ero things unless no one stops them. Unfortunately Tsuda isn't there to stop them.(or not)
Shino and Aria staring at the balls of the statue
As their class began touring, Shino immediately noticed the statue of a god. She was staring at its balls and what's more Aria agree that its balls are indeed huge.
The key
Meanwhile, Tsuda was walking to go inside the student council's room but he saw Hagimura having a hard time opening the lock of the door. Tsuda tried it too but it won't open.
Aria talking about the key for her chastity belt
Apparently Aria gave Hagimura the wrong key, the key Hagimura received was for Aria's chastity belt.
Tsuda doing student council matters in his house
Because the door won't open, Hagimura just decided that they will take the paperwork of the student council at their own respective homes. She said that they should just do their work at their very own house. She also said to Tsuda that he better not slack off or else.
Tsuda wrapping up dumplings
Tsuda was about to do his student council work when his sister asked him to wrap up the dumplings for dinner. He won't be able to resist because her sister said that it was an order from their mother. So he wrapped up the dumplings but he didn't notice the time.
Tsuda cleaned their bathroom
After he wrapped up the dumplings he went back to his room to continue his work but her sister barged in again. She said that their mother wants him to clean their bathroom. Tsuda did it then again he got so absorbed cleaning their bathroom that he again forgot the flow of time.
Aria and Shino having a bath at the hotsprings
While Tsuda was cleaning Shino and Aria were bathing at a hot spring. Aria stayed idle for a while because she thought that her maids will clean her up. Then she just remembered that she has to wash herself.
While everyone was eating, somebody called their attention and said that she found a bra.
Aria talking about what she's wearing in her house
That bra was Aria's bra, she said that she doesn't put them on at her house so she forgot to wear them.
Shino talking about breasts
Shino discovered that not wearing any bra allows better growth.(Is it really true?)
Then the girl also said that she also found a panty and she is asking where is the owner.
Aria doesn't wear anything in her house
Again it was Aria's panty, she said again that she doesn't wear them at her house. So, she's naked.

{End of part 6}