Sunday 5 June 2011

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Chapter 339

Tsuna and Enma
The fight "Tsuna and Enma VS Daemon" is finally starting.
Demon talking to the two
Demon tried to bewilder the mind of Enma by telling things like "Sawada Lemitsu killed your father". Enma just answered him that even if Tsuna's father killed his parents, Tsuna is not his father and he also said that Tsuna would never betray a comrade.
Daemon telling a story
Daemon told Enma the story of how his father died. Apparently Enma's father is a dealer, Tsuna's father was leading a mafia group and investigated Enma's father for a bit. Then Tsuna's father found the elevator full of corpses of his team so he killed Enma's father.
Daemon lied
Daemon also said that only the Enma survived the killing incident. But they found out that Daemon was just mimicking how Tsuna's father looks like and killed Enma's parents. He said it was for the perfection of the Vongola family.
Tsuna and Enma attacking together
Enma's mind is now clear. They attacked Daemon together, but Daemon shielded himself using a copy of Vongola rain gear.
Enma using his powers
Next, Daemon attacked using Adelheid's ring. Enma countered it by creating white dwarf stars.
Tsuna attacking Daemon
Tsuna attacked Daemon using his X cannon. Daemon dodged every attack but before Daemon could attack Enma immediately attacked him using his white dwarf stars.
Hyper combination
Tsuna and Enma were in perfect sync. Reborn said that the two of them are no longer the "no-good combination" so he called then "Hyper Combination".

{End of chapter 339}

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