Saturday 18 June 2011

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Chapter 341

Tsuna, being undecisive
Enma said that Tsuna should already shoot because there is no other way to defeat Daemon. Everyone that is trapped inside Daemon's Cards were surprised about what Enma said.
Enma's Resolve
Tsuna said that the harmony flames he used againts him won't work on Daemon and if he release a destructive XX burner, he won't be able to survive.
Reborn talking about Tsuna
Reborn said that Tsuna is not the type of person that will sacrifice his friends for victory. Reborn also said that even if the family lose, Tsuna will not kill a companion. Also, because he values life, they were able to go what they are now and that is also a reason why his family members follow him.
Tsuna making his decision
Enma said that he also values life but if Tsuna doesn't fire his XX burner now, they'll lose to Daemon and he won't be able to save his friends. Daemon is trying to discourage Tsuna by saying that he will kill his best friend that he finally met but Tsuna made his decision.
Chrome protecting Enma
Tsuna is still not making his decision then Chrome went to Enma and said to Tsuna that she'll protect him from his XX burner so he needs to shoot.
Chrome using her defense
Chrome activated her mist flames defense in full power but Mukuro said that her flames cannot block Tsuna's XX burner even in full power.
Mukuro strengthening Chromes barrier 
Mukuro went to Chrome and strengthened her barrier so she could block Tsuna's XX burner in full power. As a result Mukuro weakened but Chrome's barrier is already tough enough to block Tsuna's XX burner.
Tsuna, using XX burner in full power
Tsuna made up his mind thanks to Chrome and fired his full power XX burner directly at Daemon without a second thought.
Full power XX burner
Tsuna's XX burner is really destructive.

{End of Chapter 341}

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